Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is caused by median nerve pressure – the nerve running the length of your arm, which goes through the carpal tunnel in your wrist and ends in your hand. The median nerve’s purpose is to control feeling and movement in your thumb, as well as the movement of your other fingers (excluding the pinky finger). Swelling can then cause the carpal tunnel in your wrist to narrow as a result which can cause tingling, “falling asleep”, itching or burning sensations in your palm, thumb, index, or middle fingers. It can also cause tingling and numbness in your arm and finger. In more severe cases, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can create problems with holding and grasping with your fingers and hand as a result of the muscles in the area shrinking, which can then cause cramping and pain. Ultimately, and if left untreated, the median nerve can lose its function which can lead to loss of feeling in the hand and fingers and loss of coordination and strength.
Carpal Tunnel Diagram. Digital image. A Health Blog. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Feb. 2018
Luckily, there are some natural remedies for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome that can be explored before surgery or more serious medical intervention is considered, such as:
1. Hand and Wrist Stretching
Taking breaks during the day to decompress the pathways in your wrist can be a game changer for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Since a lot of jobs and activities requiring repetitive or tedious motions can cause or aggravate an existing condition, taking a few minutes per hour to do one of the exercises below can greatly decrease your chances of experiencing carpal tunnel issues.
Carpal Tunnel Stretches. Digital image. Sports Medicine Advisor. Clinical Reference Systems, n.d. Web. 06 Feb. 2018.
2. Chiropractic Adjustments
New Carpal Tunnel Syndrome research has suggested that the wrist and hand pain associated with Carpal Tunnel could actually just be a symptom of problems in the neck, which are then compressing the nerves that travel down the arm and to the hand. Through a careful physical examination, a chiropractor will be able to identify if your Carpal Tunnel symptoms are really the result of a cervical spine issue. By having you demonstrate different neck extensions and/or identifying if there is any cervical disc degeneration or bone spurs, a chiropractor will be able to treat the root cause of the problem which can then alleviate any pain or uncomfortable sensations from your neck to your fingers.
3. Wearing a Wrist Brace
Since we often sleep with our wrists flexed, wearing a wrist brace at night can greatly reduce hours of strain on your wrist. If the wrist is supported while you sleep, the strain can be reduced which can then reduce irritation to the nerves and take pressure off of the carpal tunnel.
4. Vitamins or Supplements
Though it has been long debated, Vitamin B6 has often been attributed to alleviating and even curing, carpal tunnel symptoms. Taking 50-100 mg of B6 daily can provide relief from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome symptoms such as swelling and inelasticity caused by a B6 deficiency. It’s also been proposed that since B6 is a diuretic, it can help relieve the body of some of the fluids that could be causing unnecessary swelling in the hand and wrist – causing discomfort and pain. It’s important, however, to not take Vitamin B6 in excess, which can cause sensitivity to light and skin rashes, so you should never exceed 100 mg per day. Vitamin B6 can also be found naturally in foods such as potatoes, bananas, chicken breast, fish, brown rice, and avocados – so eat up!
5. Acupuncture
Numerous studies have found that acupuncture can have great results for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome sufferers. Since acupuncture can help increase blood flow, this practice can help supply blood to there nerves in the wrist that are causing your pain.
At HealthFirst Spine & Wellness, we have years of experience treating Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and the spinal issues that can cause it. Experiencing any pain, tingling, or numbness in your hands and wrists should never be ignored! Contact our office today to request a free consultation.